34 year old male

This is an online E logbook to discuss our patients' de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from the available global online community of experts intending to solve those patients clinical problems with the collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. 

Name: G Sai Manogna

Roll no: 41

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Following is the view of my case :


A 34 year old male resident of nalgonda has come to the casualty with the chief complaints of 

  • vomitings since 3 days
  • Hiccups since 3 days
  • Cough since 3 da09 iuyewasyds
  • Loose stools since 1 day 3 days back
History of Presenting illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back, had h/o vomitings: 10-15 episodes/day, sudden in onset, non bilious, non projectile, food and water as content
vomitings + immediately after intake of food & water associated with generalised weakness
Loose stools 4 episodes /day lasted for 3 days- normal in consistency, non mucoid, non blood stained, large volume not associated with pain abdomen & fever, black coloured stools associated with mild difficulty in swallowing
Hiccups since 3 days, continuous, no diurnal variation
Cough (dry) since 3 days, not associated with sore throat, fever, cold, itching

Past history:
H/o yellowish discolouration of eyes, vomitings 1 month back diagnosed as alcoholic liver disease and alcohol dependence syndrome
Last alcohol intake 4 days back followed which he had above complaints
Not a known case of HTN, DM, TB, Asthma, Epilepsy, CAD
No h/o any previous surgeries
No known allergies

Personal history:
Diet- Mixed
Appetite- Good
Bowel and bladder movements- Regular
Sleep- Adequate
  • Alcohol- regular intake, 90 ml/day since 20 years
  • Tobacco- Chewable, 10-15/ day since 20 years
Family history:

No significant family history
No family history of Hypertension, Diabetes, TB, Asthma, Seizures

General Physical Examination:
Done after obtaining consent, in the presence of attendant with adequate exposure
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative
well oriented to time, place and person
well nourished and moderately built

Pallor- Absent
Icterus- Mild
Cyanosis- Absent
Clubbing- Absent
Lymphadenopathy- Absent
Edema- Absent

Temperature- Afebrile
Blood pressure- 120/70 mm of Hg
Pulse rate- 88 bpm
Respiratory rate- 16 cpm
SpO2- 99% at room air
GRBS- 102 mg%

Systemic Examination:

Cardiovascular system:
S1 and S2 sounds are heard
No abnormal murmers

Respiratory system:
Bilateral air entry is present
Trachea is central
Normal vesicular breath sounds are heard
Dyspnoea is present
No adventitious sounds are heard

Abdominal Examination:
Shape of Abdomen is distended
Soft and non tender
Bowel sounds are heard
No palpable mass
Hernial orifices are normal
No organomegaly

Central Nervous System:
No focal neurological deficits

Provisional diagnosis
Alcoholic liver disease
with AKI
with hyponatremia (Hyposmolar) secondary to GI loss
with Alcohol dependence syndrome
with thrombocytopenia (82K)

Temperature charting

Day 1 (2/12/22)
Hb- 14.3 gm/dL
TLC- 6000 cells/cumm
PLT- 82000/cumm

Colour- Pale yellow
Appearance- Clear
ALB- ++
Sugar- Nil
Epithelial cells- 6-8
RBCs- 1-2
Crystals- Nil

BG Type

BT- 2 min
CT- 4 min

Serum lipase- 63
Serum Amylase- 153

Urine sodium- 110

Spot urine protein- 23.6
Spot urine creatinine- 130.2
Ratio- 0.18

Serum osmolality- 266

Liver function tests
TB- 2.85
DB- 0.96
AST- 593
ALT- 275
ALP- 196
TP- 6.6
ALB- 3.9
A/G- 1.32

Serum electrolytes
Na+ - 125
K+ - 4.4
Cl- - 82

Blood urea- 142
Serum creatinine- 4.1

Rapid HbsAg- Negative
Rapid HIV 1 & 2- Negative
Rapid Anti HCV antibodies- Negative

PT- 19
apTT- 38
INR- 1.4


Chest Xray PA view


USG abdomen

DAY 1:
Hiccups +


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative
Temp - 98.6 F
BP- 110/70 mmHg'
PR- 86 bpm
RR- 22 cpm
SPO2- 99% on RA

CVS- S1, S2 +, No murmurs heard
RS- BLAE +, No added sounds
P/A- Soft, non tender
HMF- Intact +

Alcoholic liver disease
Prerenal AKI
Hyponatremia secondary to GI loss
Alcohol dependence syndrome

Tab. Baclofen

DAY 2:
Day time sleepiness
Fever spikes


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative
Temp - 98.4 F
BP- 120/70 mmHg'
PR- 80 bpm
RR- 16 cpm
Icterus- Mild
SPO2- 99% on RA

CVS- S1, S2 +, No murmurs heard
RS- BLAE +, No added sounds
P/A- Soft, non tender
HMF- Intact +


Alcoholic liver disease
with AKI
with hyponatremia (Hyposmolar) secondary to GI loss
with Alcohol dependence syndrome
with thrombocytopenia (82K)

1. IVF- 0.9 NS @ 100 ml/hr
RL- @ 100 ml/hr
2. Inj. Thiamine 200 mg in 100 ml NS IV/TID
3. Inj. Zofer 4 mg/ IV/ TID
4. Inj. Metoclopramide 10 mg/IV/SOS
5. Syp. Lactulose 30 ml/ PO/ HS
6. Tab. Udiliv 300 mg PO/BD
7. Inj. Vit K 20 mg IV/STAT (100 ml NS) followed by Inj. Vit K 10 mg in 100 ml NS/IV/BD
8. Syp. Mucaine gel 15 ml/PO/TID
9. Tab. PAN-D (40/30) PO/OD
10. Watch for any bleeding manifestations
11. Watch for signs of Hepatic encephalopathy
12. Strict I/O charting
13. Monitor vitals BP, PR, Temp
14. Inform SOS


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