68 Year old female

This is an online E logbook to discuss our patients' de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from the available global online community of experts intending to solve those patients clinical problems with the collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. 

Name: G Sai Manogna

Roll no: 41

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Following is the view of my case :


This is a case of 68 years old female resident of nalgonda has come to the casualty with the chief complaints of
  • C/o breathlessness since 1 week
  • Cough since 1 week
Patient was aparently asymptomatic 1 week back then she developed breathlessness which is insidious in onset, MMRC grade 2 not associated with wheeze, palpitations, sweating, seasonal variation +
C/o cough since 1 week, non productive, seasonal variation 
No complaints of fever, chest pain, chest tightness, loss of weight, vomiting, diarrhoea
Loss of appetite +
H/o fall in bathroom 10 days back, no head injury

Past history
H/o similar complaints in the past, 5 years back
Hospital admission + and taken treatment
Inhaler usage 2 years back for 1 month and later stopped
Nebulization taken since 1 week (2-3 times)
Known case of HTN since 10 years on medication (Tab. Telma H 40/12.5 OD)
Drug usage- Tab. Montelukast OD since 5 years
Tab. Prednisolone OD since 5 years
Known case of ?hypothyroidism since 4 years not using medication
Not a known case of DM, epilespsy, CAD
No past h/o TB
No h/o any previous surgeries
No known allergies

Personal history:
Diet- Mixed
Appetite- Good
Bowel and bladder movements- Regular
Sleep- Adequate

Family history:

No significant family history

General Physical Examination:
Done after obtaining consent, in the presence of attendant with adequate exposure
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative
well oriented to time, place and person
well nourished and moderately built

Pallor- Absent
Icterus- Absent
Cyanosis- Absent
Clubbing- Absent
Lymphadenopathy- Absent
Edema- Absent

Temperature- 98.8F
Blood pressure- 110/70 mm of Hg
Pulse rate- 98 bpm
Respiratory rate- 21 cpm
SpO2- 96% at 2 lit O2
GRBS- 141 mg%

Systemic Examination:

Cardiovascular system:
S1 and S2 sounds are heard

Respiratory system:
Shape of chest- Elliptical
B/L symmetrical chest
Trachea appears to be central
Expansion of chest equal on both sides
No accessory muscles of respiration in use
No drooping of shoulders
No wasting of muscles
No crowding of ribs
Spinoscapular distance equal on both sides
Apical impulse couldn't be seen

All inspectory findings are confirmed
No local rise of temperature
No tenderness
Trachea central
Chest movements equal on both sides
Apex beat- Left 5th intercoastal space medial to MCL
TVF- Equal on both sides

Direct- Resonant 
Indirect- Resonant

Crpets + in right IAA, ISA
Rhonchi + B/L ISA, infra SA, ICA, IAA

Abdominal Examination:
Shape of Abdomen is scaphoid
Soft and non tender
Bowel sounds are heard
No palpable mass
Hernial orifices are normal
No organomegaly

Central Nervous System:
No focal neurological deficits

Provisional diagnosis
Acute exacerbation of ?Asthma ? COPD ?ILD ?Miliary TB ?CAP with Hyponatremia (Resolved) Hypokalemia(Resolving) (Hypovolemic) 
with septic shock (Resolving)
HTN + since 1 year (Under Tab. Telma H stopped)
with hypothyroidism (not under medication)

Temperature charting

Hb- 10.1 gm/dL
TC- 18500 cells/cumm
Platelet count- 3.32 lakhs/cumm

Blood urea- 52 mg/dL

Serum creatinine- 0.9 mg/dL

Serum electrolytes
Na+ - 123 mE/L
K+ - 3.3 mEq/L
Cl- - 82 mEq/L
Ca2+ - 0.83 mmol/L

Liver function tests
TB- 1.5 mg/dL
DB- 0.36 mg/dL
SGOT- 12
SGPT- 10
ALP- 139
Total proteins- 5.7
Albumin- 2.1
A/G ratio- 0.62

Serum uric acid- 4.7 mg%

Blood sugar random- 102 mg/dL

PH- 7.54
PCO2- 27.8 mmHg
PO2- 61.6 mmHg
HCO3- 23.8 mmol/L
O2 sat- 93.5%

Anti HCV antibodies- Rapid- Non reactive
Anti HCV antibodies- elisa- Non reactive
HBsAg ELISA- Negative
HBsAg Rapid- Negative
HIV 1 & 2 ELISA- Non reactive
HIV 1/2 Rapid test- Non reactive

Serum osmolality- 254 mOSM/Kg

Urine sodium- 125 mmol/L
Urine potassium- 26.9 mmol/L
Urine chloride- 149 mmol/L

Chest x ray PA view




Hb- 9.1 mg/dL
TC- 18100 cells/cumm
PLT- 3.03 lakhs/cumm

Lipid profile
TC- 96 mg/dL
TG- 81 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol- 30 mg/dL
LDL cholesterol- 74 mg/dL
VLDL- 16.2 mg/dL

Serum electrolytes
Na+ - 127
K+ - 3.7
Cl- 91
Ca2+- 0.90 mmol/L

Thyroid profile
T3- 0.75 ng/ml
T4- 7.86 micro g/dL
TSH- 3.88 micro lu/ml


PH- 7.38
PCO2- 41.7 mmHg
PO2- 40.2 mmHg
HCO3- 24.4 mmol/L
O2 sat- 79.6 %

Blood urea- 50 mg/dL

Serum creatinine- 1.2 mg/dL


Hb- 10 mg/dL
TC- 18400 cells/cumm
PLT- 3.71 lakhs/cumm


PH- 7.432
PCO2- 32.8 mmHg
PO2- 141 mmHg
HCO3- 21.5 mmol/L
O2 sat- 97.6 %

Blood urea- 50 mg/dL

Serum creatinine-  0.9 mg/dL

Serum electrolytes
Na+ - 130
K+ - 3.4
Cl- 94
Ca2+- 0.90 mmol/L

Chest xray


Hb- 8.7 mg/dL
TC- 9000 cells/cumm
PLT- 2.91 lakhs/cumm

Blood urea- 30 mg/dL

Serum creatinine-  0.8 mg/dL

Serum electrolytes
Na+ - 133
K+ - 3.7
Cl- 99
Ca2+- 0.88 mmol/L


Hb- 7.5 mg/dL
TC- 6700 cells/cumm
PLT- 2.59 lakhs/cumm

Blood urea- 41 mg/dL

Serum creatinine-  0.8 mg/dL

Serum electrolytes
Na+ - 134
K+ - 3.6
Cl- 103
Ca2+- 0.96 mmol/L

Chest x ray


1. IVF NS @ 50 ml/hr
2. Inj. PIPTAZ 4.5 g IV TID
3. O2 inhalation to maintain SPO2 > 94%
4. Inj. PAN 40 mg IV OD BBF
5. Syp. Grillintus 2 tsp BD
6. Syp. Aristozyme 5 ml BD
7. Nebulisation with Ipratropium 6th hrly, budecort 12th hrly, mucomist 12th hrly
8. Tab. Montek LC PO HS
9. Monitor vitals
10. Inform SOS


1. IVF NS @ 125 ml/hr
2. Inj. PIPTAZ 4.5 g IV TID
3. O2 inhalation to maintain SPO2 > 94%
4. Syp. POTCHLOR 15 ml/ 20 mEq in 1 glass of water PO TID
5. Inj. PAN 40 mg IV OD BBF
6. Syp. Grillintus 2 tsp BD
7. Syp. Aristozyme 5 ml BD
8. Nebulisation with Ipratropium 6th hrly, budecort 12th hrly, mucomist 12th hrly
9. Tab. Montek LC PO HS
10. Inj. Noradrenaline 1 amp + 44 ml NS at 5 ml/hr according to BP 
11. Tab. Azithromycin 500 mg PO OD
12. Inj. Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV BD
13. Monitor vitals
14. Inform SOS


1. IVF NS @ 125 ml/hr
2. Inj. PIPTAZ 4.5 g IV TID
3. O2 inhalation to maintain SPO2 > 94%
4. Syp. POTCHLOR 15 ml/ 20 mEq in 1 glass of water PO TID
5. Inj. PAN 40 mg IV OD BBF
6. Syp. Grillintus 2 tsp BD
7. Syp. Aristozyme 5 ml BD
8. Nebulisation with Ipratropium 6th hrly, budecort 12th hrly, mucomist 12th hrly
9. Tab. Montek LC PO HS
10. Inj. Noradrenaline 2 amp + 44 ml NS at 4 ml/hr according to BP 
11. Tab. Azithromycin 500 mg PO OD
12. Inj. Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV BD
13. Monitor vitals
14. Inform SOS

Day 4

Fever spikes -
Stools Passed +
Skin pinch normal
Cough -

Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative
Temp- 98.4 F
BP- 110/60 mmHg
PR- 78 bpm
RR- 20 cpm
SPO2- 93% on RA
GRBS- 130 mg/dL
CVS- S1, S2 +
Trachea- Central
                                       Rt.                           Lt
Supraclavicular.       Rhonchi.            Clavicular
Clavicular.    Crackles, crepts.   Crepts, rhonchi
Infraclavicular.         Rhonchi.            Rhonchi
Mammary.              Crepts.      Crepts&Rhonchi
Axillary.                   Rhonchi.               Crackles
Infra axillary.     Rhonchi, crackles.     Crackles
Inter scapular.        Crackles.    Crepts, rhonchi
Infra scapular.Crackles,crepts.Crackles, crepts

P/A- Soft, Non tender

Hb- 7.5 mg/dL
TLC- 6700 cells/cumm
RBC- 2.98 millions/cumm
PLT- 2.59 lakhs/cumm

Serum electrolytes
Na+ 134 mEq/L
K+ 3.6 mEq/L
Cl- - 103 mEq/L
Ca2+ - 0.96 mmol/L

Acute exacerbation of ? Asthma ? COPD
? ILD ? Miliary TB ? CAP
With hyponatremia (Resolved) Hypokalemia (Resolving) (Hypovolemic)
with septic shock (Resolving)
HTN+ since 1 year (Under Tab. Telma H Stopped)
With hypothyroidism (Not under medication)

1. IVF NS @ 100 ml/hr
2. Inj. PIPTAZ 4.5 g IV/TID (Day 4)
3. Inj. Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV BD (Day 3)
4. Inj. PAN 40 mg IV OD BBF
5. Inj. Noradrenaline 2 amp + 44 ml NS at 2 ml/hr according to BP to maintain MAP >65 if BP less than 80/50 mmHg
6. Tab. Montek LC PO BD
7. Tab. Azithromycin 500 mh PO OD (Day 3)
8. Tab. Pulmo clear 100/600 PO BD
9. Syp. POTCHLOR 20 mEq (15 ml) in 1 glass water PO TID
10. Syp. Grillinctus 10 ml PO BD
11. Syp. Aristozyme 5 ml PO BD
12. Nebulization with 
Ipratropium - 6th hrly (QID)
Budecort - 12th hrly (BD)
Mucomist- 12th hrly (BD)
13. O2 inhalation to maintain saturation >90%
14. Monitor vitals
15. Strict I/O charting
16. Inform SOS


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